Friday, October 31, 2008

Weeks 16 & 17

I was out of town last week, so this covers the week before that and this current week. Continuing to explore. Working with some more layers, smaller brushes, greater detail. Had a great meeting with my mentor Christine Wilcox and I think there's a couple of works we looked at that I will go back into. 

This one might kill me. I tried rendering every leaf. Not sure how those old masters die this! It also isn't quite working the way I hoped. I do like that this is a bit of a different perspective (point of view) than what I always do and was suggested by Christine.

What to say about this one. So far it's just fun. Wet on wet and I've only done the top half obviously. Was shooting for "magic hour."

I am continuing with my landscape painting class and learning the "prismatic" method. It is slow and frustrating, but it is good technical practice for my work. It is helping me in another way as well. The more I learn the more I realize what I am doing in my own work that is "breaking the rules" and creating work that I am interested in. Harsher lights and darks, rendering certain details that wouldn't be in traditional work, etc. Good points that I am sure will work into the thesis.

1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

Nice progress Brandon. I really like the first and last one. I think the things that you are learning in your class are good. You might not realize what it is doing, but you will have an epiphany and it will be great.
Let's get together soon!!